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A Library Guide to Jung's Collected Works

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Reference publications on the Personal Unconscious

Jung on the Personal Unconscious

References to the "personal unconscious" from the General Index to the Collected Works of C. G. Jung (Vol. 20):

Unconscious, personal:
    7 103, 218/449-50, 235/456, 243/464, 275, 387, 517
    8 270, 321, 397, 588
   9i 3, 634
   10 10-12
   11 939
   12 38, 81, 83, 242n
   13 481
   16 65
   17 207, 209
   18 78, 1159, 1224

   "The Distinction between the Personal and the Impersonal Unconscious", 7: para. 442-450
   "The Personal and the Collective Unconscious", 7: para. 202-220
   "The Personal and the Collective (or Transpersonal) Unconscious", 7: para. 97-120

— analysis of, 7 247
— autonomy of, 9i 497, 500
— cannot be swallowed, 9i 521
— and collective: 8 555, 588-89; 11 222, 419, 944; 12 81; 14 257
— distinction/border line, 7 123, 9i 88
— contents of, see unconscious
— contents s.v. personal
— fantasies of, 9i 290
— and impersonal, 9ii 12, 261
— a potential reality, 9i 498
— relative, 18 91, 113
— shadow and, 5 267n, 393; 7 103&n; 9i 44